Turbine Repair Thought Leadership

One of our biggest strengths is operational “know how” or our ability to think beyond the repair. Using this strength we’ve helped many of our customers reduce total life cycle costs and minimize downtime, and it’s our hope that our new series of video shorts can help you too to start thinking beyond the repair.

Contingency Planning- When going through an outage, things can and do go wrong. We share Contingency Planning tools as well as insights into some of the most common pitfalls to ensure that you’re ready for your next outage. No more mid-outage “How did I not see this coming?!” (Click for Video)

Outage Checklists- Missing a seemingly unimportant scope item or service requirement could increase downtime and cost. We speak to some of the why, what, and how to create and use an Outage Checklist to reduce the likelihood something is missed. (Click for Video)

CCJ Webinar: Repair Planning…Creating Value Every Time - Pete Sobieski and Greg McAuley reveal the required key ingredients or steps owners/operators should take to create value every time they repair a component or sets of components. (Click for Video)

Smart Planning for Repairs and Outages - There's an old saying "go slow to go fast", and it's never more relevant than in the world of maintenance. Here, we cover prudent planning steps that everyone should take prior to executing their next outage or sending out that next set of parts for repair. (Click for Video)

Risk Management Categories - Here we explore the financial, technology, and availability risks surrounding the maintenance of your assets. Here we discuss the some details of these risks as well as some practical methods on how to start mitigating them. (Click for Video)

Risk Management: Introduction - Turbine maintenance and operation is risky. This video covers primary tools and mindset that all managers can employ to better manage the risk associated with both large and small fleets. (Click for Video)

Outage Planning - Many outages have been postponed or delayed because of COVID19 related reasons. This will create resource shortages in the fall, and we highlight how to avoid the impact of these constraints through early planning and action. (Click for Video)

Life Cycle Cost Analysis: An Introduction - We’re hearing from customers about the pressure they’re facing to cut costs. Listen in on our introduction to Life Cycle Cost Analysis, an important tool to identify and cut fleet maintenance costs (Click for Video)

Life Cycle Cost Analysis: Know Your Costs - We cover the cost side of the Life Cycle Cost equation and teach you which costs to include in your analysis. You have to know your costs before you can reduce them (Click for Video)

Life Cycle Cost Analysis: Life and Results - In the first two videos, we introduced Life Cycle Cost Analysis. Now, we take the last step to learn how to improve results, increasing life and reducing costs. (Click for Video)

Improving Outages During COVID - We hear from a lot of turbine operators and owners right now about challenges in their outages. Here we share how shops can best help keep outages on-time and under budget during crisis (Click for Video)

Useful Planning Tools

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